Call us : +251-011-550-52-02

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    • Develop and implement early childhood care and education with community involvement;
    • Improve reading capability of children;
    • Contribute to quality education of communities with their active participation;
    • Provide educational support for disadvantaged children not to discontinue their education due to lack of assistance;
    • Equip selected schools with necessary furniture, reference books and sport and recreation materials.

    • Promote reproductive health services; mother and child health care, immunization services, nutrition and health education;
    • Promote anti-HIV/AIDS campaigns;
    • Engage in activities that reduce health hazards of child rearing practices;

    • Support communities in developing hand dug wells and springs;
    • Educate community members to acquire knowledge and skills on utilization of water and sanitary practices;
    • Organize water sanitation and hygiene/WASH committees in each water scheme.

    • Organize saving and credit cooperatives and provide trainings for members;
    • Provide seed money for saving & credit cooperatives;
    • Introduce IGA for out of school youth and marginalized young women in such activities like bee keeping;
    • Organize women Self Help Groups;
    •  Support union of saving and credit cooperatives.